Installation output for plot

Installation time: 2.0s

CHICKEN_INSTALL_PREFIX=/root/src/salmonella/salmonella-4.5.0/repo CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH=/root/src/salmonella/salmonella-4.5.0/repo/share/chicken CHICKEN_REPOSITORY=/root/src/salmonella/salmonella-4.5.0/repo/lib/chicken/5 /usr/local/chicken-4.5.0/bin/chicken-install  -prefix /root/src/salmonella/salmonella-4.5.0/repo 
retrieving ...
checking platform for `plot' ...
checking dependencies for `plot' ...
install order:
installing plot: ...
changing current directory to .
  /usr/local/chicken-4.5.0/bin/csi -bnq -setup-mode -e "(require-library setup-api)" -e "(import setup-api)" -e "(extension-name-and-version '(\"plot\" \"\"))" -e "(destination-prefix \"/root/src/salmonella/salmonella-4.5.0/repo\")" plot.setup
(-lplot . -I/usr/include/plot)
  /usr/local/chicken-4.5.0/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    -O -d2 -I. -s plot.scm -j plot -L " -lplot " -C "  "

Error: illegal foreign return type `#%void'

Error: shell command terminated with non-zero exit status 256: /usr/local/chicken-4.5.0/bin/chicken plot.scm -output-file plot.c -dynamic -feature chicken-compile-shared -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode -optimize-level 1 -debug-level 2 -emit-import-library plot

shell command failed with nonzero exit status 256:

  /usr/local/chicken-4.5.0/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    -O -d2 -I. -s plot.scm -j plot -L " -lplot " -C "  "

Error: shell command terminated with nonzero exit code
"/usr/local/chicken-4.5.0/bin/csi -bnq -setup-mode -e \"(require-library setup-a...